Compliance Dashboard : Audit Logging


What Is Audit Logging?

Audit logging is the process of documenting activity within the software systems used across your organization. Audit logs record the occurrence of an event, the time at which it occurred, the responsible user or service, and the impacted entity.

By reviewing audit logs, systems administrators can track user activity, and security teams can investigate breaches and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

Audit logs capture the following types of information:

  • Event name as identified in the system
  • An easy-to-understand description of the event
  • Event timestamp
  • Actor or service that created, edited, or deleted the event.


Go to Menu —> Dashboards —> Compliance tab.


View logs and details to record user activities.

The audit Log displays a read-only table of records of actions performed by users. These log records are searchable. 

View the following audit details in the table.
Field Description
Date Shows the date and time of the action performed.
ID Shows the unique ID number assigned to a specific set of user actions.
Created By Shows the user who has performed the action.
Action Shows the action performed.

Shows the details of the action performed.

What’s Recorded

Any request that creates, edits, or deletes will appear in the audit logs.

More specifically …

  1. Purchase Order Creation

  2. Purchase Order Updation

  3. Purchase Order Approval

  4. Purchase Order Status updates

  5. Purchase Order Notes
  6. Purchase Order Decline
  7. Receiving Creation

  8. Receiving Updation

  9. Receiving Status update

  10. Store Order Creation

  11. Store Order Updation

  12. Store Order Status Updates

  13. Inventory Transfer Creation

  14. Inventory Transfer Updation

  15. Inventory Transfer Status Updates

  16. Inventory Adjustment Creation

  17. Inventory Adjustment Updation

  18. Inventory Adjustment Status Updates

  19. Item Creation
  20. Item Updation
  21. Cost price Updation
  22. Selling price Updation
  23. Inventory Receiving Updation
  24. Invoice Creation
  25. Invoice Updation
  26. Last Login User 

Note: Currently not everything that happens within your organization is available in the audit log.

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