Venue Wizard simplifies the creation and management of venues. This feature allows administrators to efficiently organize and oversee venues, including their associated entities such as locations, registers, events, users, and suites.
Navigate to Utilities → Venue Wizard through the side menu.
Venue Wizard Interface
- Left Panel: Displays a list of all created venues.
- Right Panel: Provides forms or grids for managing venue details, such as venue specifics, locations, registers, events, users, and suites.
1. Venue Setup
- Create Venue:
- Add a venue name, assign a venue manager, and activate or deactivate the venue.
- Edit Venue:
- Modify the venue name, manager, and activation status.
2. Location Setup
- Location Management:
- View, create, and edit locations associated with a venue.
- Key Details in the Location Grid:
- ID, Location Name, Associated Venue, and Store Manager.
- Add Location:
- Provide location name, venue, store manager, address, and store type.
3. Register Setup
- Register Management:
- View and manage active registers within a venue.
- Add Register:
- Include register ID, name, associated venue, location, and type (e.g., Android POS, Web, Display).
- Option to terminate a register when needed.
4. Event Setup
- Event Management:
- Create and assign events to venues with detailed fields such as:
- Event Name, Code, Location, Type (e.g., Games, Concerts), Dates, Attendance, Address, and more.
- View all events in the Event Grid.
- Create and assign events to venues with detailed fields such as:
5. User Setup
- User Management:
- Manage users assigned to a venue with a detailed user grid.
- Add User:
- Input user details such as name, username, password, role, contact information, date of birth, and employment type.
- Edit User:
- Update details like name, role, email, and phone number.
6. Suite Setup
- Suite Management:
- Create and manage suites within a venue.
- Add Suite:
- Define suite name, level, manager, and capacity.
- Suite Grid:
- View and manage a list of active suites under a venue.
Articles in this section
- Warehouse in Restaurant Portal
- Register in Restaurant Portal
- Venue in Restaurant Portal
- Venue Wizard in SuiteSpot
- Order Report and Kitchen Prep. Report Export
- CRM in Restaurant Portal
- Auths in SuiteSpot
- Orders in SuiteSpot
- Reports in Restaurant Console
- Bookings in SuiteSpot
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