Venue in Restaurant Portal


The Venue section in the SuiteSpot application enables administrators to create, modify, and manage venue details efficiently. This feature streamlines venue setup and maintenance, ensuring seamless suite operations. Venue can also be added and edited according to the venue via venue wizard.
Settings General Venue

venue 1.png

1. Create a New Venue

  • Administrators can:
    • Enter the Venue Name in a text field.
    • Assign a Venue Manager from a dropdown list of active managers.
    • Use the Activate Venue toggle to enable or disable the venue for operations.

add venue.png

2. Modify Existing Venues

  • Administrators can select a venue from the venue list to:
    • Edit details such as the venue name and assigned manager.
    • Change the venue's activation status.

Modify Venuew.png

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