Warehouse in Restaurant Portal


The Warehouse Management feature in the SuiteSpot application allows administrators to create, edit, and manage warehouses by assigning them to venues and managers. This feature ensures efficient organization and smooth operations.

Navigate to Settings → Warehouse to access the warehouse management section. The grid displays the following details for all warehouses:

  • ID: Unique identifier for each warehouse.
  • Name: Name of the warehouse.
  • Venue: The venue associated with the warehouse.
  • Warehouse Manager: The assigned manager for the warehouse.
  • Use the Show Inactive toggle to view both active and inactive warehouses.

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Add Warehouse

Click Add Warehouse to create a new warehouse. Input the following details:

    • Name: Enter the warehouse name.
    • Venue: Select a venue from the dropdown.
    • Warehouse Manager: Assign a manager from the dropdown.
    • Address (Optional): Provide the warehouse address.

add warehouse.png

Edit Warehouse

Select a warehouse from the list and click Edit to modify its details. Editable fields include:

    • Name: Update the warehouse name.
    • Venue: Change the associated venue.
    • Warehouse Manager: Reassign the manager.
    • Address: Edit or add the address.
    • Active Toggle: Enable or disable the warehouse for operations.

edit warehouse.png

The Warehouse Management feature provides a streamlined approach to organizing and maintaining warehouses, ensuring accurate assignments and operational efficiency.

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