How to a Close a Batch & Clear Database on PAX S300?


How to a Close a Batch on PAX S300?

  1. Press and hold the F (function) key and key 1 together to go to the main menu.
  2. Enter the password.
  3. Press the green key.
  4. Click on Host Settings.
  5. Enter the password.
  6. Click on the Down Arrow.
  7. Click Batch Close.

How to Clear Database on PAX S300?

  1. Press and hold the F (function) key and key 1 together to go to the main menu.
  2. Enter the password.
  3. Press the down arrow.
  4. Select System Settings
  5. Select Database.
  6. Enter Password and press Enter.
  7. Click on Clear Database (A confirmation message appears)
  8. Select Yes.

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