How to do a Sales Transaction mPOS ?
Follow the steps below to perform a sales transaction.
Step 1 : Adding Items to Cart
User can add items to the cart by simply clicking on the item from the Quick Picks on the transaction screen.
Click on the ‘Barcode icon’ on the screen to scan the items to be sold and add it to the cart.
Users can also search for the items by clicking on the ‘Search Items’ (click on the 3 dots )and add it to the cart.

Step 2 : Click on the cart item to change quantity or include any item level discount or coupon.
Step 3 : Transaction level coupons and discount can be selected from the tabs at the bottom of the sales transaction screen.
Step 4 :
To add a transaction level Discount to the sale, click on the ‘ Discount‘ button → Select the discount from the list.
To add a transaction level Coupon to the sale, click on the ‘ Coupon‘ button → Select the discount from the list.
To exempt or include a tax during a sales transaction, click on ‘ Tax Exempt‘ button.

Step 5 : Click on ‘Pay’ to proceed further which leads to a tender selection screen.
Step 6 : From the Tender selection screen, select any option to process the transaction :
Step 7 : Click on ‘Submit’.
Step 8 : Provide the email id in the field provided and click on Email to receive the receipt by email ( receipt will not be printed).To print the receipt, click on ‘Print ’ or Click 'View' to view the transaction details.
Step 9 : Click on ‘Start a New Sale’ to exit the screen and start a new sale.
Customer Feedback
After a successful transaction, a customer feedback screen appears to get feedback from the customer.

Articles in this section
- Getting Started
- Hardware
- Register
- Login
- Sales Transaction
- General Item Calculator
- Return
- Exchange
- Gift
- Resume
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