The purpose of this article is to give you instructions on how to sideload your Elo brand tablet. The side loaded application becomes the "main" app and is always running in the foreground on the device.
Download the APK you need to sideload to a folder called EloViewApp on the USB stick. The folder name is case-sensitive.
- Plug in USB stick to tablet
- Connect the tablet to Wifi
- Go to Settings
- Toggle Enable NavBar to turn on the Navigation Bar
- Select Yes, Enable Stock Apps
- Select Yes to reboot the device
- After the device has rebooted press and hold the buttons on the back right corner of the tablet (first right, then left)
- Password is 1elo
- Press OK
- Go to Apps
- Install Local APP
- Select Yes install apk from usb/EloViewApp folder
- Wait for the app to install (it won't give any indication its processing the installation). Just wait for it to finish
- The pos app will start up by itself
- Register as normal and configure your devices/hardware
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