Setup Products


The 6IX application makes it easy to add products by scanning the barcodes or manually entering the UPC. This is done from the Transaction Cart. New items can also be created using the mInventory mobile application.

To start adding items - press the 'sales basket' in the lower right

Adding New Products -Scan

Press the Scan Icon located on the top bar. This will activate the camera to scan a barcode and you can enter item information, including opening quantity

Adding New Products - Manually

For items without a scannable barcode, just start populating the item information and when completed press Add Product

To view and create products, click on the menu icon from the home screen, Master Data → select ‘Products’. The product list will be displayed.

Adding a new Item

  • To add a new item, click on the ‘sales basket sign’ at the bottom of the screen.

  • Enter the item details in the field provided.

  • Click ‘Add Product’.


Inventory Adjustment

The quantity of products can be adjusted through the product screen. To do inventory adjustment follow the steps below :

  1. From home screen, go to menu--> Products.

  2. From the products list find the product to be adjusted.

  3. Click on the 3 dots near product price and click 'Adjust'.

  4. Adjust the inventory by entering the quantity or applying or button.

  5. Click 'Adjust'.


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