KDS Release Notes


Initial Release 

Date: 17/06/2022

Version: v0.0.1

Version Code: 20220623

Say hello to KDS!

We are introducing our new KDS application (Kitchen Display System) which is a POS-integrated application that works remotely and displays orders to be prepared which increases restaurant efficiency. KDS reduces both staff effort and the chances of manual error by automating the entire process. 

What’s New

  • Instant Orders

Each incoming order will be displayed to help the chef prepare food faster. You can see the upcoming orders in a grid. Keep orders synced with a direct link between the front and back of the house.

  • Incremental Orders

You send a customer’s complete order in one chunk so that the customer receives each course at the appropriate time. All changes are reported to the kitchen staff as soon as the customer requests them.

With this feature, instead of waiting for the service staff to get the order details, the preparation staff can begin working on their food preparation as soon as order details are notified in the display system.

  • Bump Orders

KDS allows your chefs to bump off each order once it’s prepared with a single click or tap, enabling easy and effective tracking of order completion.

  • Recall Orders

With KDS you to recall bumped orders (return completed orders to the screen)

  • Customization

You can adjust the text size, and notification settings to fit your kitchen’s unique setup. So your cooks can view orders in the way they prefer.

  • Color Coding

Color coding identification in ticket headers shows the order type so cooks know whether to plate items or bag and box them. Easily identify ticket source, timelapse, modifiers, item comments, or order comments. This slight difference helps your cooks make each dish to customers’ specifications.

  • Sound Notifications

Ring up when a new order has arrived. You receive an alert if an order changes or is behind schedule.

  • Offline functionality 

KDS operates completely without an internet or Wi-Fi connection. So if you can’t keep a strong Wi-Fi signal in your kitchen, no problem—your KDS will still work.

  • Category Routing 

Route food to the appropriate kitchen station: grill, pantry, fryer, etc. Routing makes sure that food items are moved in the right direction. This feature can be great for all restaurants, however, it is especially useful for restaurants with a large kitchen.

  • Systemized Stations

Set up multiple kitchen stations based on the needs of your operations. KDS intelligently splits orders by menu category to display items at predefined kitchen stations. This ensures operational efficiency and enhances communication between your kitchen staff.

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