Sales Register Report


Go to Reports --> Custom Reports

The Sales Register Report is a custom report that provides information on various transactions and sales details.

The console provides the ability to download the report data to a flat file on your local file system. This function currently supports the CSV file format, which presents the report data as fields separated by commas (,).

Downloading the Report

Click on the report and the date range, and you can download the whole report in a CSV.

Note: Currently, you can only generate reports for up to 100 days. 


The report includes the following fields:

  • Transaction Date: The date when the transaction took place.
  • Transaction #: A unique identifier for each transaction.
  • Venue: The venue where the transaction occurred.
  • Store: The specific store within the venue where the transaction occurred.
  • Payment Type: The method of payment used for the transaction. (e.g., Cash, Credit)
  • Pay Terms: The agreed-upon terms for payment.
  • Royalty Contract1-5: Fields to capture details of royalty contracts associated with the transaction.
  • In/Out Of Stadium: Indicates whether the transaction occurred within or outside the stadium.
  • Submission ID: A Submission number or code for the transaction.
  • Royalty Category: The category of royalty associated with the transaction.
  • Royalty Sub Category: A more specific classification or subcategory for the royalty.
  • Ship To Customer: The name of the customer who received the shipment.
  • Ship To Address: The address where the shipment was delivered.
  • Ship To City: The city where the shipment was delivered.
  • Ship To State: The state where the shipment was delivered.
  • Ship To Country Name: The name of the country where the shipment was delivered.
  • Ship To Postal Code: The postal or ZIP code of the delivery location.
  • FOB: Stands for "Free On Board" and indicates the point at which the buyer takes ownership of the goods.
  • Warehouse: The specific warehouse associated with the transaction.
  • Cust PO Number: The purchase order number.
  • Invoice Transaction Type: The type of transaction for invoicing purposes.
  • Reason Code: A reason or purpose of the transaction.
  • Brand Name: The name of the brand associated with the product sold.
  • Contract Margin: The margin or profit percentage associated with a specific contract.
  • Price List: The price list associated with the products.
  • Category: The general category or classification of the product.
  • Subcategory: A more specific classification or subcategory for the product.
  • SKU: Stands for "Stock Keeping Unit" and represents a unique identifier for each product.
  • SKU Description: A brief description of the product identified by the SKU.
  • Base SKU: The base stock-keeping unit for a product that may have variations.
  • Unit Selling Price: The price at which a single unit of the product is sold.
  • Units Sold: The number of units sold for the specific product.
  • QTY Returned: The number of units returned by customers.
  • Total Qty: The total quantity of units involved in the transaction (sold and returned).
  • Gross Sales: The total sales revenue before any deductions or discounts.
  • Sale Discount: The amount or percentage of the discount applied to the sale.
  • Discount Code: The name of the discount applied.
  • Net Sales: The final sales revenue after deducting discounts from the gross sales.
  • Tax: The amount of tax associated with the transaction.
  • Total Sales: The total sales revenue, including tax.

The Sales Register Report provides a comprehensive overview of sales transactions, including important details related to venues, stores, payments, royalties, shipping, and financial aspects of the sales process.

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