Reports are essential to check the progress of businesses. The Console Portal has a diversified list of reports categorized under major domains of the business such as Sales, Inventory, and Production.
The Reports include:
Sales Reports
- Sales Summary
- Sales By Hour
- Sales By Department
- Sales By Tender
- Sales By Item
- Tax Report
- Sales By Receipts
- Sales By Event
- Sales By Employee
- Refund Report
- Sales By Team App
- Fee Report
Inventory Reports
- Inventory Balance
- Reorder Level
- Aging Report
- Transfer Detail Report
- PO Status Report
- PO Backorder Report
- PO Variance Report
Customer Reports
Employee Reports
Transactions Reports
Sales By Promotions
Custom Reports
Add or Remove Columns in your Reports
You can add and remove columns in most reports to show more or less information than is shown by default.
Note: You can add a column to a report and print or export it, but you can’t save the edited report and reopen it later.
Open a report.
Click Columns. A drop-down list shows the columns that you can add or remove. The columns that are shown by default have a checkmark.
Check the columns you want to add. Uncheck the columns you want to remove.
Filter your Reports
You can filter reports to narrow down the information that is shown by default. For example, you can add a filter to show only sales for a specific sales channel, Status, Tender Type, etc.
You can also add or remove columns in your reports. Any filters or edits that you apply are temporary.
Open a report.
Click Filters.
Select a Column
From the drop-down list, select the operator Contains, Not Contains, Equals, Not Equals, Starts With & Ends With.
In the filter box, type any value that you want to filter by.
If you want to filter Register by a value that is "California Register", and/or "Register 2" then select the operator Contains California Register AND/OR Contains Register 2
You can specify more than one value. If a filter uses the same name operator, then data is included in the report if any of the values match.
Advanced Filters
Advanced filters let users filter the report by Venue, Store, Register, Group, Warehouse, or Event by selecting the appropriate drop-down.
Any combination of filters can be used to return desired results. The user then clicks the Filter button and is given a report.
Printing Reports
Users have the option to print reports on Console,
- Navigate to Reports and select the report
Select the Date Range that you wish to get report for.
Select filters that are necessary for your report.
Note: Default Settings will create a Sales Report with all the necessary information,but if you want a more detailed report, add or remove filters.
- Navigate to the
Print button on top right corner of the screen, clicking on the button will show a pop up window to choose the printing options.
- Make your selection and hit Print
Note: All reports generated from the Console portal will include applied date filters (Start Date/End Date) and display the Report Generation Date and Time within the downloaded document in both Excel and PDF formats.
Update: Display of the names of the locations instead of their IDs when exporting filtered reports.
For example, on the below export we can see a Venue filter applied with ID 3, here instead of 3 we need to show the Name of the venue having the ID 3
Automated Email for Reports
The "Email Automation" feature streamlines report delivery by enabling users to schedule automated emails. Users can define rules, select reports from a dropdown menu, set date ranges, specify dispatch frequency, determine delivery time, and input recipient email addresses. Reports, such as Sales Summary and IBR Report, are transmitted in CSV format for seamless compatibility.
To access this feature:
- Navigate to Utilities → Rules Based Automation → Create.
- Select reports from the dropdown menu labeled "Reports."
- Set date ranges for each report.
- Choose the dispatch frequency (daily, weekly, or monthly).
- Specify the delivery time and recipient email addresses.
Please note that the “Email” option is only available when the category “Reports” is selected.
Sales Summary
Sales Summary Report shows sales within the store for a selected date range. It provides an overview of the sales transactional activity and includes the number of transactions, Gross sales, Tax, Net Sales Tip & COGS.
Sales by Tender
Use the Sales by Tender Report to view sales by the different tenders you accept at the register. See which tender types (cash, credit, or any others you have enabled) are used most often in order to better understand how customers pay. Filter by column to customize which table columns appear on the report.
Sales by Item
The Sales by Item Report allows you to track the business’s sold items. See which items sell best, discover which are most profitable, and view other types of sales data on an item-by-item basis. It displays records of sales by UPC, including QOH. This report can be useful in calculating replenishment levels.
Tax Report
Use the Tax Report to see total taxable sales, by the tax rate and review all transactions made with your products in the time period you select. It provides a summary by tax codes of the number of items sold as well as the Total Sales. This report can be used to aid the merchant in their tax remittance information.
Sales by Receipts
Sales by Receipts Report provide you with details of transactions completed over a specified range of dates or transaction numbers. Use this report to view details of specific transactions, download receipts, and export completed sales and returns to a spreadsheet.
To view or print the transaction receipt, just click on the transaction receipt (blue highlighted).
Sales By Employee
The Sales By Employee Report provides details sales information by employee.
The report details the number of sales, the total discounted transaction count, the total refunded transactions count, the total dollar amount of the sales, the number of items sold, and more. The report is helpful for merchants that have multiple salespeople helping a customer, as it gives the employees recognition for the sale.
Navigate to the sidebar, Reports → Sales Report → Sales By Employee Report
Employee Name - Name of Sales Person/Employee
Store - Store name
Transaction Count -The number of sales transactions by the employee
#Discount Transactions - The number of discounted transactions
#Refund Transactions - The number of refunded transactions
Units Sold -Total number of units sold by the employee (when they are logged into a POS (not clocked in, but logged in)
Units Return -Total number of units returned by the employee
Total Amount - Total sales amount sold by the employee
Gross Margin - Sales after discounts before taxes minus Cost of Goods Sold
Articles in this section
- Item Import Field Descriptions
- Overview
- Merchant Onboarding
- Navigation Bar
- Reports
- Items
- Settings
- Dashboard Overview
- Company
- Register
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