Setup CodeCorp CR5025 Scanner (usb)


In addition to being a 2d barcode scanner the Code scanner can handle QR codes (as a upc or payment methods in VenueNext) and also verify age (over/under 21 or another age) by scanning a drivers' license/id (from states that have properly formatted cards) for the sale of products like alcohol or tabocco.

These settings are all optional, not required.

Full documentation on setup:

This document lists the most common codes to scan to get the scanner working. Simply scroll through this document and scan the screen with the Code to get the desired functionality.

For age verification, when an id under the age of 21 is scanned the scanner emits a single negative tone and the light turns red. If the id is older than 21 it emits a green light with a triple tone beep. 

After each scan, the Code should beep to indicate it accepted the command.

Carriage return after scanning.


Stand-alone age verification (21 years default).


Save Settings.


Scanning always on mode (on). (upc only)


Turn off the Beep.


Reset to factory Default settings.

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