Vouchers are used to streamline the creation and submission of vouchers. A voucher is a document used by the company's billing department containing essential information required for payment approval. The process involves combining multiple documents into a single voucher and sending it to the billing department. These vouchers are created within retailcloud and seamlessly sent to Great Plains for journal posting, ensuring a smooth and efficient payment process.
Go to Financial → Vouchers
Voucher #: Displays the unique identifier of each voucher (auto-generated in RCXXXX format).
Received Transaction #: This shows the transaction number associated with the receiving attached to the voucher.
PO #: Displays the PO number linked to the receiving, if available; otherwise, remains blank.
Vouchered Date: The date when a voucher is created.
Invoice #: Displays the invoice number entered on the voucher screen.
Vendor: Shows the vendor associated with the receiving.
Total Amount: Displays the total amount of the voucher.
Voucher Status: Indicates the current status of the voucher. Supports filtering by voucher status, with options for "Open" and "Batched" statuses.
Create Voucher
Click on "Create New Voucher" to create a voucher. In the voucher creation screen, you will enter the required details, such as receiving information and invoice data. You can also set up distribution details for GL mapping. This step ensures all the necessary information is captured for smooth processing by the billing department.
- Voucher Number: This is auto-generated by the system.
- Voucher Description: You can provide a custom description to help identify the voucher.
- Choose the Vendor to search for Received Transaction #.
- Once a transaction number is selected, the Received Date and PO Details will automatically populate.
- Receiving Details: Enter the amounts for Inventory and Freight, and the system will update the Entered Totals automatically.
- The Vouchered Amount is automatically calculated based on the receiving details.
- Manually input Invoice Details by entering invoice information, including Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Distribution Date, Invoice Amount, Due Date, Remarks, and Terms.
- Distribution Details: Users can allocate the amount to multiple accounts, including both default accounts and newly added ones. To add a new account, users can click on “Add New” and enter the account number, select account description and specify distribution amount.
Update Voucher
Users can click on the voucher number from the voucher grid to view and update the voucher. Upon saving the voucher details, a new voucher should be created with the status set to "OPEN” indicating that the voucher is active and ready for further processing. Editing is allowed if the voucher status is OPEN. If the voucher status is "BATCHED", editing of any details on the voucher is disabled.
Voucher Export
Navigate to Utilities → Export → Voucher Export
Users can export vouchers by filtering them based on the Vendor. Once the desired vouchers are filtered, they can be sent via email directly from the system. This feature makes it easy to share voucher details efficiently.
Posting Vouchers using Account Posting
Users will have option to lookup for voucher using Receiving Transaction #, PO# and vendor filter.
Post Date: Users can select this to indicate the posting date for the vouchers.
Post Vouchers: Upon clicking the "Post Voucher" button, selected vouchers will be posted. This action generates journals on GP.
The posted journals will be displayed on the console's account posting UI, similar to the workflows for sales and inventory.
Go to Settings → Account Posting
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