Master Item


This is where you can create new inventory items. All the items created will be listed here with the Item ID, UPC, Name, Department, Category, Price, etc., and an option to modify. For instructions on how to create a new item, follow the steps below.

Creating an Item

  1.  Click on the ‘Master Item’ icon on the home screen. All the items already saved will be displayed here.
  2. Click on the + button at the bottom of the screen to create a new item.
  3.  Enter the required product information.
  4.  Click on the green tick mark to add the product successfully.

Screenshot_20240726_131059.png        Screenshot_20240726_144429.png        

Item Name: Name for the item, Max no of characters is 50

UPC: Unique UPC for the item, This can be scanned in from the item.

Item ID: Unique id/no for the item, Do not use spaces or special characters

Product ID: Unique product id/no for the item, Do not use spaces or special characters

Selling Price: Selling price for the item

Cost Price: Cost Price for the item

Vendor: Define the vendor for the item, select from the drop-down menu

Color: Define the color for the item, select from the drop-down menu

Size: Define the size for the item, select from the drop-down menu

Brand: Define brands for the item, select from the drop-down menu

Style: Define the style for the item, select from the drop-down menu

Season: Define the season for the item, select from the drop-down menu

Department: General level segmentation of item, select from the drop-down menu

Category: Second-tier classification of the item, select from the drop-down menu

Sub Category: Narrowly defined classification of the item, select from the drop-down menu

Min Reorder Level: Define the minimum level for reordering

Max Reorder Level:  Define the maximum level for reordering

Tax: Define tax for the item, select from the drop-down menu

Discount: Define the discount for the item, choose from the drop-down menu

Tax Inclusive: Enable/Disable, Include/Exclude tax for the item

No Discount: Check the box if the item will exclude from discounts.

Updating an Item

To modify an existing item, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the ‘Master Item’ icon on the home screen. All the items already saved will be displayed here.

  2. Select the product from the product list.

  3. Click on the Edit button at the top right corner and make the updates.

  4. Click on the green tick mark to save the changes.

  Screenshot_20240726_151244.png            Screenshot_20240726_145756.png

View QOH of Items

To see the QOH of an item, scroll to the bottom of the screen. Click on "View all" to see the location-wise QOH.


Printing Tags

To print EPC/UPC tags for an item, go to the Item page, then click the printer icon at the top of the screen. From there, enter the quantity you want to print and select either EPC or UPC option (click on 3 dots below to reveal the UPC option).


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