

Inventory receiving provides merchants the ability to create inventory quantity. This could be a continuation of inventory for items already found in the system or new opening balances. With a receiving, items and quantities are found in the locations.

General Receiving

To start a receiving process follow the below steps

  1. Click the 'Receiving' button from the home screen.
  2. Click on the General Receiving button at the bottom of the screen to start receiving items or you have the option to receive items against a purchase order by proceeding with the PO Receiving button.
  3. For General Receiving, Choose the Vendor from the vendor list.
  4. Click on the Add Location button to select the desired location/store.
  5. Screenshot_20240726_154913.png        Screenshot_20240726_162847.png
  6. Click on CREATE RECEIVING to start the reserving process.
  7. Choose the receiving method: Scanning or Manually to start adding items.
  8. Wave your device while pressing and holding the trigger to scan RFID tags or click on the Barcode icon at the bottom of the screen to scan the barcode to receive the inventory.
  9. Scanned items will be listed on the screen, with Item UPC, Quantity, and Item Name. Update the receiving quantity as required. Once inventory scanning is completed, click on the RECEIVE MERCHANDISE button to receive the inventory.

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Printing Tags from Inventory Receiving

Once the receiving is completed, a popup message will be displayed asking if you like to print the tags. If click on Yes, the app will take you to another page listing the items you received.

Select from any one printing option available:

  • Print EPC Tag
  • Print UPC Tag

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Receiving Against PO

If a purchase order has been created from the backend, you can pull up the purchase order and receive the inventory directly from the purchase order data. You can search the purchase order by UPC, ItemID or Name.

To start a receiving process follow the below steps

  1. Click the 'Receiving' button from the home screen.
  2. Click on the PO RECEIVING  button at the bottom of the screen to start receiving items against a purchase order.
  3. All the purchase orders created will be listed here. Select the purchase order you want to proceed with.
  4. You can use the reset quantity button to reset the quantity to zero, and you will be able to scan available items and set the available quantity if you are partially receiving the purchase order. 

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In case you are not receiving all the items from a PO, you have the option to reset the quantity to zero by clicking on the Reset Qty button, which will reset all the quantities. Then you can input the quantity manually for those items you want to receive.

The total cost will be shown at the bottom. Once the inventory is successfully received, you can directly print the tags/barcodes.

Click Yes if you wish to print the tags/barcode and Click on the button PRINT EPC TAGS or PRINT UPC TAGS

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Receiving History

The history of all committed receiving transactions for the last 7 days will be listed here.

To view, the transactions click on the History button.

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