

An inventory transfer, also known as stock transfer or warehouse transfer, is the movement of physical inventory items from one warehouse/location to another.

Inventory Transfer is a 2-way process:

  1. Create Transfer 
  2. Commit Transfer 

Create Transfer

To start a transfer follow the below steps

  1. Click the 'Transfer' button from the home screen. All the recent transfers will be listed on the transfer page.
  2. Screenshot_20240726_172546.png
  3. To create a new transfer, click on the ( + ) button at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Choose the Source & Destination location.
  5. Click on Create Transfer
  6. Wave your device while pressing and holding the trigger to scan RFID tags or click on the Barcode icon at the bottom of the screen to scan the barcode to transfer the inventory.Screenshot_20240726_173057.png             Screenshot_20240726_173525.png
  7. Scanned items will be listed on the screen, with Item UPC, Quantity, and Cost Price. Once inventory scanning is completed, click on the TRANSFER button to transfer the inventory.

Commit Transfer

When you initiate a transfer, the inventory is removed from the source store or warehouse, it is not added to the destination store until the transfer is committed; if you error the transfer instead of committing it the inventory is returned to the source store or warehouse.

To commit a transfer follow the below steps

  1. Click the 'Transfer' button from the home screen. All the inventory transfers will be listed here. The inventory transfer number is automatically generated which can be used to track the order.
  2. Click on the transaction number to view the transfer details.
  3. Click on the COMMIT button to complete the transfer.

ERROR Transfer

If a user decides not to proceed with a transfer, they have the option to close or cancel it before committing. To do this, the ERROR button can be utilized. Clicking on the ERROR button will effectively close the order, which means the transfer will be canceled, and no items will be moved as part of this process.

This feature provides flexibility, allowing users to backtrack and make adjustments if needed. Whether due to a change in requirements or an error in the initial transfer setup, the ability to cancel ensures that no unintended transfers are executed.


Viewing Recent Transfers

All recently created transfers, whether initiated from the backend or via the i360 Pro app, can be accessed in the Recent Transfers section. This includes transfers that have not yet been committed or marked as an error.

The Recent Transfers section provides a clear overview of pending actions, enabling users to track and manage these transfers efficiently. It ensures visibility into the status of all ongoing processes, allowing for timely updates or necessary changes before finalization.


Viewing Transfer History

To review all completed or canceled transfers, users can navigate to the History section. This section displays a comprehensive list of transfers that have either been committed successfully or marked as an error.

The History feature provides a detailed record of past actions, enabling users to track and audit completed transfers or investigate those that were canceled. It ensures transparency and helps maintain an organized log of transfer activities.



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