How to access the Register settings on Console


Go to SettingsLocation Hierarchy Settings → Register

This screen is used to view/add/terminate registers and assign them to a venue and a store. The register will be created with the default venue or store settings.

Add Register

Click on the Add Register button and enter the following details


Name: Give the register a Name, this will show up in all reports and filters so you should name them carefully. Register names cannot be changed or moved to a different store or venue once a store is created.

Store: Select the Store that the register will be assigned to, any activity from this register will also be included in that store's totals.

Type: For Type select the type of license that the POS Unit will be using.

Click Save


Terminate Register

When a register is no longer being used it should be terminated.

Click on the red trash 2021-09-02_17_30_52-Window.pngicon to terminate the register. Enter the Reason for terminating the register. This is an optional field but is useful to maintain a record as to why it was terminated. Click Save.


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